A BREAKING Bad fan strangled a gay police officer, then copied a plot from the hit American drama by dissolving his body in an acid bath because "satan told him to", a court heard.
ACCUSED: Stefano Brizzi (left) allegedly murdered PC Gordon Semple (right)Stefano Brizzi, 50, met PC Gordon Semple, 59, on gay dating app Grindr and invited him round for a drug-fuelled “hot, dirty, sleazy” sex session on April 1.A court heard Italian Brizzi was allegedly in the middle of throttling the cop when he turned away another man who had arrived for the sex party.Neighbours in Southwark, south London, noticed a “revolting smell” coming from Brizzi’s flat over the following days.The Old Bailey was told a worried resident rang police who visited the flat and found Brizzi wearing only underpants and sunglasses.Detectives also found a bath full of acid with “globules of flesh” floating in it, jurors heard today.
TRAGIC: PC Semple, 59, died inside Brizzi's flatBut the Italian allegedly told an officer: “I’ve tried to dissolve the body… I’ve killed a police officer. I killed him last week. I met him on Grindr and I killed him. Satan told me to.”Yet the former financial advisor now claims PC Semple died during a “sex game gone wrong”.Crispin Aylett QC, prosecuting, warned the jury the case called for “broad minds and strong stomachs” as he opened the trial.He said on the day the policeman died, PC Semple and Brizzi invited more men on Grindr to join them for a sex party with drugs but only one man — referred to CD — turned up.Mr Aylett QC said: “When CD pressed the entry buzzer, someone who can only have been the defendant replied over the intercom ‘We are having a situation here. Someone fell ill but we’re taking care of it. So our party is cancelled’. CD turned around and went home.”
The prosecutor added CD must have arrived at the very point PC Semple was meeting his death inside the flat.Brizzi later told police PC Semple had invited a number of people to the flat "but they didn't arrive and, when one did arrive, I was right in the middle of strangling Gordon and I said to — he was right there at the door — and I said to him 'Look, this is not the right time now, people are falling ill and it's a mess’".After PC Semple's partner failed to get hold of him on his mobile phone, he reported him missing.The court heard Brizzi had been a user of crystal meth, which had cost him his job at financial giant Morgan Stanley.He allegedly told a support group he believed in the Devil, and liked "satanic rituals" which involved having sex over the sign of the pentagon.SUSPECT: The court heard Italian Brizzi allegedly strangled his victimHe liked to boast of his sexual exploits and told one meeting he had once tied a man up, treated him like a dog and made him go into a cage, jurors heard.Brizzi was said to be "obsessed" with the American show Breaking Bad, jurors were told.Mr Aylett said the main character, chemistry teacher Walter White, produced crystal meth and, after poisoning a rival, dissolved the body in acid.Brizzi denies murder but has admitted obstructing a coroner by dismembering and disposing of the body.
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