Thursday 30 June 2016

Bikini babe completes spectacular cliff jump but never imagined THIS would happen

A BRAVE babe in a bikini showed off her skills jumping from a massive height into the ocean below but had a massive shock when she hit the water.

Much to the amusement of her watching pals who recorded the whole event – the poor girl found out you really can’t have it all in life.
She is on holiday in a beautiful location with endless turquoise water ahead of her, completing a breath-taking daredevil jump.
But the girl wasn’t prepared for the embarrassment that lay in store.
As funny video footage of the jump shows, the girl successfully splashed into the water but as she came back to the surface she was missing something.
Her pals can be heard breaking into raucous laughter as they discover the girls hair is no longer attached to her head.
Girl runs and leaps from the cliff edge
HAIR MARE: The girl runs and leaps from the cliff edge

Instead, her hair weave has floated away and can be seen some metres away.
Thankfully, a kind stranger manages to fetch her hair extensions and brings it back to her as she swims back to the rock edge with her friends still laughing hysterically.
The clip has been viewed thousands of times online and is now being shared on social media.
One viewer commented with the crying laughter emoji and wrote: "Forget Finding Dori. Where my weave at."
Girls weave falls out after cliff jumpNOW YOU SEE IT: One minute the girl has a head full of hair, the next it is floating away
While another game a throwback to Tom Hanks film Castaway with the line: "Wilson!"
The girl was slightly luckier than this poor woman – 

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