Wednesday 29 June 2016

SNP in shock bid to replace Labour as opposition over disarray under Jeremy Corbyn

THE Scottish National Party has launched a shock bid to oust Jeremy Corbyn's ailing Labour as Her Majesty's official opposition.

Nicola Sturgeon, Jeremy Corbyn and the House of CommonsPLOT: The SNP wants to become the opposition in the Commons
The emboldened Scottish party says Mr Corbyn can no longer lead an opposition group as he does not command support from the bulk of his MPs.
Eighty per cent of them voted a no confidence motion in the Labour leader yesterday, amid accusations he undermined the Labour Remain campaign over the EU referendum.
Pete Wishart, of the SNP, said Labour's position was untenable as they cannot even fill shadow cabinet positions.
There are currently 54 SNP MPs but only 40 of Labour's 229 MPs expressed support for Mr Corbyn on Tuesday.
After quoting the author of a book on parliamentary practice, Mr Wishart said: "The current official opposition has lost two-thirds of its shadow cabinet, its leader in what remains of the front bench no longer commands the support of the overwhelming majority of his back bench.
"It can no longer provide shadows for large departments of state. It is clearly in no shape to assume power and unable to meet its key responsibilities and obligations."
Commons speaker John Bercow said he has taken expert advice over the SNP point of order.
Nicola Sturgeon and jean-Claude Juncker REUTERS
MEET: Nicola Sturgeon met Jean-Claude Juncker today
Mr Wishart added: "Given these quite obvious failings, what steps would now need to be taken to have this official opposition replaced with one that can meet the responsibilities that are very clearly set out in Erskine May?"
Mr Bercow said Labour continues to legally constitute the official opposition.
He added: "I do give and have given thought to the matter and I have also benefited from expert advice. These matters are not broached lightly."
The SNP said it would be able to fill all of the relevant shadow posts to the government.
Mr Corbyn has still not appointed a shadow Scottish secretary.
The previous incumbent, Ian Murray, has not been replaced after becoming one of more than 20 members of Labour's shadow cabinet to quit earlier this week in an effort to force Mr Corbyn to resign.
Mr Corbyn subsequently lost a vote of no confidence by 172 votes to 40 but said the ballot had "no constitutional legitimacy" and that he would not "betray" the members who voted for him by resigning.
His allies have challenged Mr Corbyn's critics to trigger a formal leadership contest if they want to replace him.

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