Thursday 30 June 2016

Dan Evans: Marcus Willis thinks he's a celebrity... it's like speaking to a brick wall

DAN EVANS poked fun at Marcus Willis after booking a third-round match-up with Roger Federer.

marcus willisCELEB: Dan Evans has mocked his friend Marcus Willis for the attention he has been receiving
The pair are good mates having played with - and against - each another for years.
British No.7 Willis lost in straight sets to Federer yesterday but he lit up Centre Court in the process.
But the relationship between the pair is stretched - because Willis thinks he's a celeb.
Asked if he'd spoken to him, Evans joked: "Are you kidding me? I don't get a word out of him.
"He's a celebrity now. He just looks at his phone.
"I spoke to him yesterday, it was like speaking to a brick wall.
"He doesn't speak. He just looks at his phone."
And when asked if he would seek advice of Willis ahead of the Federer meeting, Evans mocked: "No. He lost in three straights. No advice needed."
Willis wore a Nike shirt with Federer's initials on yesterday but Evans is planning to don some better gear for his clash.
Evans said: "I'm surprised the All England let him wear it, because it was slightly off‑white.
"I don't know how long he's had it. I've shared a room with him. It might not have even been clean!
"I'll be wearing a different top to Willis - it won't have an RF. Nor will it have DE on it."

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