Thursday 30 June 2016

Under-fire Jeremy Corbyn spells OWN name wrong – and the internet reacts accordingly

THE internet always gives the best reactions – and its response to Jeremy Corbyn spelling his own name wrong delivers the goods.

Jeremy Corbyn and Judge JudyFACEPALM: Jeremy Corbyn's typo caused the internet to react
It's not been the best of weeks for the under-fire Labour leader – and he's given us another facepalm moment.
Corbyn later penned a defiant e-mail to supporters with the staunch intro: "United we stand, divided we fall is one of the oldest and truest slogans of the Labour movement".
The jeremy corybn emailORIGINAL POST: Jeremy Corbyn signed off his e-mail spelling his surname "Corybn"
It all went so well, until he signed off the e-mail: "Jeremy Corybn".
Naturally, the internet reacted in the best way possible – making lighthearted fun out of the situation.
A spoof Twitter feed under the name @jeremy_corybn was also set up in minutes.
The message has since been updated with the correct spelling of his surname "Corbyn".

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