Wednesday 29 June 2016

PEACE: Vladimir Putin in shock alliance with Turkey after flirting with war

PUTIN has agreed to bury the hatchet with the Turkish government after they shot down a Russian military jet.

FEUD: Russia and Turkey have been at loggerheads since a Kremlin jet was downed over Syria
The Russian president spoke to his Turkish opposite number Tayyip Erdogan for the first time since the downing of the Su-24 attack craft – agreeing to bury the hatchet.
But now the two nations have agreed to cooperate in the fight against terrorism and the two leaders have agreed to a face-to-face meeting to draw a line under the incident.
Both Moscow and Ankara said the two presidents had held a "constructive" telephone conversation.
CRASH: The Russian warplane was shot down by Turkey at the end of last year
The Russian plane was shot down over the borderputi with Syria after it violated the nation’s airspace, with Turkish F-16s being scrambled to down the all-weather attack aircraft.
The pilot was killed and so was a Russian marine who was shot by Syrian fighters when the Kremlin tried to mount a rescue mission.
Turkey said they warned the plane ten times via an emergency channel before they mobilised their warplanes.
The incident sparked the fury of Moscow as they imposed a raft of sanctions on the Mediterranean state – including banning Turkish imports and stopping Russian tourists from visiting.
KREMLIN: Vladimir Putin has agreed to end sanctions on Turkey
Putin said he would order the government to start talks with Turkey on resuming "mutually advantageous" relations and hailed the move as the end of a "crisis chapter" between the two nations.
"The conversation was in general businesslike and constructive, aiming to restore the traditionally friendly mood of the multi-faceted bilateral cooperation.”
Turkish presidential sources called the conversation "very productive and positive".
They said Putin and Erdogan were expected to meet before and during a G20 summit in September in China.
LEADER:Tayyip Erdogan has pledged to make reparations with Russia over the downed airplane
Turkish military forces are currently working with the West in backing the New Syrian Army in battling ISIS.
The rebels suffered a setback today when 40 of their soldiers were killed by Jihadis in an ambush.
Russia still backs the regime forces of Bashar Al-Assad, and has even launched bombing raids on the US backed forces.
It is unclear how this new alliance will affect the situation in the Middle East, with some saying the conflict is a "proxy war" between the White House and Kremlin as Putin declared the world was headed for Cold War 2.

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