Wednesday 1 June 2016

BREAKING: Gunman arrested after ‘scaling airport fence’

AN ARMED man has been arrested after appearing to climb an airport perimeter fence.

An aeroplane arrives at Los Angeles AirportTERROR: The incident sparked fears the man was trying to get into the airport
A man with a gun has been arrested after he was spotted near the perimeter fence at Los Angeles Airport.
Police were called after a member of staff saw the man near the fence at 7.30pm on Wednesday – 3.30am Thursday GMT.
Officers saw the man throw a handgun before jumping into a Mazda sedan and fleeing from police.
Los Angeles AirportLAX: The man was spotted by a member of staff
The man was detained after a brief chase.
He was found to be injured and has been taken to hospital for treatment.
Police say the man had committed an assault with a deadly weapon and "in his attempt to escape, climbed over several vehicles near the perimeter fence giving the appearance of attempting to climb the fence."

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