Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Jamie Vardy’s wife reveals the REAL reason they blocked his lookalike

JAMIE Vardy’s lookalike has been accused of stalking the Leicester City and England striker.

Becky and Jamie Vardy and his lookalike Lee ChapmanBLOCKED: Becky Vardy and hubby Jamie (centre) have blocked lookalike Lee Chapman (right)
Rebekah Vardy –  – has accused postman Lee Chapman of stalking her husband.
The couple were accused of letting their new-found fame go to their heads after blocking Chapman from their Twitter and Instagram accounts.
But Becky has hit back – accusing Chapman of exploiting Vardy’s success to promote his new job as a double and “becoming a stalker”.
Lee ChapmanLOOKALIKE: Lee Chapman makes £200-per-hour impersonating the footie star
Fans bombarded the power couple with calls to “unblock the postie” – using the hashtags #mardyvardy and #unblockthelad.
They accused the newlyweds of lacking a sense of humour after Vardy's agent sent Chapman a text, warning the 29-year-old of legal action if he damages the Foxes ace’s image or endorsement deals.
But Becky has taken to Twitter to reveal why she and Jamie blocked Chapman.
The 34-year-old former nightclub promoter said Chapman –  – was a “nice guy”.
But she claimed Chapman tagged himself and his lookalike agency in photographs she posted online.
Jamie Vardy with wife Becky and family and the Premier League trophyFAMILY: The Vardy family with the Premier League trophy
The WAG tweeted: “I personally wished him all the best but also asked him to stop tagging himself into every picture I put up of my family – which usually had my children in.
“Also tagging his agency and promoting their business."
The disappointed doppelganger has denied the allegations – and even threatened Becky with legal action himself.
The dad-of-one said Becky’s tweet accusing him of being a stalker could be libellous.
He told the Sun: "I can't understand why I am supposed to be a stalker.
“I’ve only met her once and I don't tag her in any of my Twitter posts.
"I have no idea, I don't get it.
“I can't help the way I look and I'm not costing them anything." 

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