Friday, 10 June 2016

'Where are you ISIS?' England fans taunt jihadis as they clash with police in Marseille

French fans accused English supporters of starting the trouble.
Marseille resident Nicolas, 26, told the Daily Star Online: "Several hundred, even thousands, of English – so-called "hooligans" – came especially to destroy everything.
"The police are overwhelmed and don't know what to do anymore."
England fans drinking in MarseilleBOOZY: England fans drinking in Marseille
At the 1998 World Cup scores of people were hurt, more than 100 arrested or deported and some England supporters jailed after violence flared before and after the Three Lions' clash with Tunisia in Marseille.ENGLAND fans scrapped with local police and youths in Marseille and taunting chants at ISIS – just hours after arriving in the French city ahead of Euro 2016.

The Three Lions fans rolled into the southern city yesterday and were in good spirits ahead of Saturday's game against Russia. The England fans got into the swing of things – as they danced, sang and drank in the red hot Medittaranean heat.
But as footage shows, the scenes quickly turned sour. 
One video shows a fan in a red shirt punching and kicking a man wearing shorts in a shop doorway.
The red t-shirted bully is then joined by another thug who appears to continue beating the man with a belt.
The clip goes on to show English fans squaring off with French cops. A bald English man holds his arms out wide and screams "f*****g come on" before being dragged away by his pals.
Bottles are launched in the streets as plastic chairs are thrown as shopkeepers rush to barricade their property.
More police arrive with huge German Shepherds as they surround England fans..
The massive canines have their muzzles removed and are poised to attack as England fans continue to stand their ground.
Violence reportedly broke out after right wing French football fans wearing balaclavas – known as the "Marseille Ultras" – attacked England fans.
The French fans are thought to have attacked Three Lions' fans outside the Queen Victoria pub and O’Malley’s, an Irish bar next door, at 11.45pm on Thursday – 48 hours before Saturday's first group game between England and Russia.
French police then fired tear gas in a bid to disperse the mob.
As another video shows the two groups then launched broken chairs and tables at each other.
Shocking footage shows French police attempting to break apart brawls with riot shields in a flashback to the "Battle of Marseille".
Ambulances were seen arriving on the scene just after midnight on Thursday.
Assistant Chief Constable Mark Roberts, who is in France to lead the Brit cops, said: “English police officers continue to work closely with their French colleagues in Marseille and will identify supporters who misbehave with a view to seek banning orders on their return to the UK.”
Supporters of Roy Hodgson's team had been drinking at pubs all day and were seen wearing crusaders fancy dress and flying inflatable spitfire planes.
Amid the carnage and mayhem  – witnesses reported England fans chanting: "ISIS, where are you?" and "We love you ISIS, we do."
The song refers to warnings that Islamic State may try to carry out a terror attack on fans at the tournment.
 and provide backup to the French during the sporting showcase alongside other foreign forces.
At least one England fan was seriously injured in the fracas that has kicked off before Euro 2016 has even started.
The supporter was seen lying unconscious in a pool of blood after suffering a head injury in clashes broken up by riot police using tear gas and baton charges.
Four police officers were injured in the incident and two arrests were made – one English, one French.
One fan called Simon from Leeds said: "They (the locals) were baiting us, and then attacked.
''None of the England fans were doing anything wrong – a few of us had a bit much to drink, but that was all.
"Suddenly a French gang appeared and started attacking us and throwing stuff.
"We had to defend ourselves, and then the police showed up."
England fans drinking in Marseille
JOVIAL: The atmosphere looked good during the day
England fans drinking in Marseille
BOOZY: England fans had been drinking throughout the day in Marseille

Battle of Marseille
UGLY: Thugs batter bloke in shop entrance in Marseille

Fans scattered in different directions, as restaurants and bars in the area quickly shut doors and pulled down shutters.
England fan Chris Lord, from London, said: ‘This was a really nasty attack. The gang knew exactly where we were, and clearly wanted to hurt us.’
By the early hours police had blocked off roads around the Old Port, using dogs and vans to stop traffic getting through.
Meanwhile, gangs of local thugs could be seen taunting England fans who were trying to get back to hotels.

England fans drinking in Marseille ahead of Euro 2016
DAYTIME: England fans drinking in the Queen Vic pub ahead of the violence

French fans accused English supporters of starting the trouble.
Marseille resident Nicolas, 26, told the Daily Star Online: "Several hundred, even thousands, of English – so-called "hooligans" – came especially to destroy everything.
"The police are overwhelmed and don't know what to do anymore."
England fans drinking in MarseilleBOOZY: England fans drinking in Marseille
At the 1998 World Cup scores of people were hurt, more than 100 arrested or deported and some England supporters jailed after violence flared before and after the Three Lions' clash with Tunisia in Marseille.

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