Monday 2 May 2016

Caterpillars toxic to humans and pets are invading the UK

A PLAGUE of toxic caterpillars that can trigger asthma attacks and fevers are invading Britain.

Rash - CaterpillarTOXIC: Oak processionary moths are invading Britain
The deadly creepy crawlies have swamped hotspots across south-east England - and are set to spread nationwide.
The toxic bugs - called oak processionary moths - have 63,000 hairs on their bodies.
Touching a single one can cause severe skin rashes and asthma attacks, eye and throat irritations, vomiting, dizziness and fevers.
Toxic caterpillarSICKNESS: The caterpillars’ hair can trigger asthma attacks and fevers
And Brits do not even need to come in contract with the killer pests, as its poisonous hairs can be carried in the wind.
The moths, which are highly toxic in their caterpillar stage, first invaded Britain from Europe in 2005, after oak trees were imported from Holland.
The Forestry Commission have issued an alert about the moths saying it was not just humans at risk, but also pets and livestock.
A spokesman said: “The larvae, or caterpillars, of the oak processionary moth (OPM) are a hazard to tree, human and animal health.
Caterpillar nestWARNING: The nests are the size of a tennis ball and visible to the human eye
“They are emerging in oak trees in the affected areas of London, Surrey and Berkshire.”
The commission has been forced to spray parts of the countryside with insecticide in a bid to cull the creatures.
“Those that survive treatment will grow big enough and descend low enough in the trees to be seen and recognised by the naked eye by early May.
“May is also about the time when they develop the hairs which contain a substance which can cause itching skin rashes, eye irritations and, occasionally, sore throats and breathing difficulties in people and animals who come into contact with them.”
Oak trees in EnglandIMPORT: The moths first invaded Britain after oak trees were brought from Holland
The caterpillar nests, which are white and the size of a tennis ball, contain hundreds or caterpillars about two-inches long.
In 2013, the Forestry Commission used helicopters to blanket spray woodland areas where the caterpillars posed a health threat.
And in Belgium the annual invasion of toxic caterpillars has become so serious that the army is used to incinerate the caterpillars’ nests.

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