Tuesday 3 May 2016

Woman left paralysed after taking contraceptive pill

A YOUNG mum was left partially paralysed after the contraceptive pill triggered a life-threatening stroke.

Louise Palfreyman and pillHEALTH SCARE: Louise Palfreyman nearly died because of the contraceptive pill
Louise Palfreyman couldn't move her left side and had to learn to walk again after developing a blood clot in her brain.
The 32-year-old is still suffering from violent spasms meaning she can’t carry out simple every day tasks like opening bottles or making a sandwich.
Doctors have since told her that she had the stroke because she smoked while taking the contraceptive pill. 
Louise PalfreymanSHOCK: Louise had been on the pill since the age of 15
Speaking out to warn others, she said: "Our lives have completely turned upside down.
”One day I was fine, and the next I was in hospital, away from my daughter and unable to do anything for myself.
"I had to be bathed and taken to the toilet – it was awful. I felt like a toddler again. But I'm a strong-minded person with amazing family and friends. I wouldn't have got through this without them."
Louise first went on the contraceptive pill when she was just 15 to help with painful periods.
But last year she began to suffer from crippling migraines after changing the type of pill she took.
Louise Palfreyman and daughterLOVE: Louise's daughter Alisha has to help her with simple tasks
Even though Louise went to the doctors on multiple occasions the link between her headaches and the pill was never made.
Then last June she suffered a stroke which almost claimed her life.
Louise remembered: "I woke up with a migraine and went downstairs to get some painkillers.
"I felt a shooting pain behind my eye and my vision began to go blurry. I thought: 'Oh no, this is going to be a bad one.'
"I began to feel cold all down my left-hand side. It was like someone had tipped cold water on me, then I collapsed."
She continued: "Luckily, I had my mobile in my pocket, so I tried to call some of my family, but nobody was answering.
"My vision was getting blurrier and blurrier and, before long, I couldn't even see the screen.
"I dialled what I thought was 999 which, thankfully, was right.
"I was panicking as I could feel something cold on my face, but because I couldn't see, I didn't realise it was my own hand, but the emergency operator was amazing and really calmed me down.
"I held on until the paramedics arrived, then blacked out."
LouiseADDICTION: Louise used to smoke 10 cigarettes a day
Louise had to have a four-hour operation to remove the blood clot on her brain.
She said: "I used to smoke around ten a day, but I've quit now.
"I know it sounds silly, but I genuinely didn't realise how much risk I was at.
"Nobody had ever explained it to me during any of the yearly reviews I attended while on the pill, and doctors never suggested taking me off it when I began experiencing migraines.
"You don't tend to question doctors, so I didn't think I had anything to worry about."
After working tirelessly at physiotherapy Louise learned how to walk again but she is still experiencing painful tremors down her left-hand side.
As there is a lengthy waiting list for NHS treatment, which involves Botox injections, her friend Becky Elliot has set up a fundraising page in order to get it privately.
A consultation with a specialist alone will cost £160 and the procedure is ongoing, so Miss Palfreyman hopes to raise as much as possible so she can continue to have the injections.
She plans to give any excess funds to help others who have been through a similar ordeal.
So far, donations have poured in from all over the country and her loved ones are also holding a string of fundraising events.
And her friend Adam Murphy will be holding a charity fitness marathon through his company BTB Fitness.
Louise PalfreymanRISK: Louise wants to warn others about smoking while on the pill
Reflecting on her story, she said: "I hate leaving the house because I have no idea how painful the spasms are going to be.
"I also want people to recognise the dangers of smoking whilst taking the pill.
"If my story can save just one person from going through what I have, I'll be happy."
Dr Helen Stokes-Lampard, spokesperson for the Royal College of GPs, said: "Evidence shows that women who smoke whilst using the combined pill can have increased risk of stroke – and that this threat increases with age.
"The combined pill is a very good contraceptive choice for the majority of women and can also protect against some cancers, most notably ovarian cancer. But there are some cases where the risk of stroke, due to both lifestyle and other factors, outweighs the benefits of reliable contraception.
"GPs and nurses who provide contraceptive services are highly trained to take into account physical, mental and social factors – including patients' lifestyle choices – when making recommendations about contraception.
"If women do have questions about their contraception and associated risks, they should raise these when they next visit their family planning clinic or GP surgery."
Louise and daughterRECOVERY: Louise had to learn to stand and walk again
Elaine Roberts, Director of Life After Stroke Services at the Stroke Association, said: "Oestrogen can increase the likelihood of blood clotting and this may increase your risk of stroke. The risk of stroke caused by the contraceptive pill is low, but it's higher if you have other risk factors, such as high blood pressure, being overweight or smoking.
"Stroke can strike in an instant but its effects can last a lifetime. It can rob you of your speech, your independence and your dignity. This devastating condition kills three times as many women as breast cancer every year.
"Stroke Association is a charity and we believe in life after stroke. We rely on your support to help prevent stroke and change lives. If you have concerns about your stroke risk, have a chat with your GP."
To donate to Louise, visit her GoFundMe page

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