Wednesday 6 April 2016

Cops raid UEFA HQ in Panama Papers scandal probe

UEFA headquarters has been raided by Swiss police after new FIFA boss Gianni Infantino was dragged into the Panama Papers scandal.

UEFA president Gianni InfantinoRAID: Federal police officers raided UEFA headquarters
Officers acting under a warrant seized details of a TV rights contract Mr Infantino, 46, signed in 2006 with two businessmen.
UEFA said it is co-operating fully with the Swiss police but Swiss-Italian Mr Infantino is "dismayed" and "will not accept" his integrity is being doubted.
A statement read: “UEFA can confirm that today we received a visit from the office of the Swiss Federal Police acting under a warrant and requesting sight of the contracts between Uefa and Cross Trading / Teleamazonas. Naturally, UEFA is providing the Federal Police with all relevant documents in our possession and will cooperate fully.”
UEFA said the recently-elected FIFA president Infantino was “dismayed that his integrity was being doubted” in media coverage of the case.
UEFA raided in Panama Papers scandalUEFA raided in Panama Papers scandal
The documents also showed Mr Infantino co-signed contracts with a company owned by businessman Hugo Jinkis, who was indicted in the United States in May as part of an alleged £100 million fraud. 
David Cameron's late dad also featured among high-profile figures allegedly using offshore tax havens.

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