Thursday, 19 May 2016

Boob jobs are shrinking as women opt for more 'athletic gym body'

WOMEN are having smaller boob jobs and ditching the busty look to get a more “athletic gym body”.

Boob job sizeDESIRE: Kendall Jenner is the top celeb to look like, a survey revealed
Over 10 years the average cup size asked for has plunged from an F to a more modest C.
And patients now opt for an implant shape that gives them a “sideboob” look over the big cleavage favoured in the past.
Plastic surgeons say it’s because the “toned” bodies of stars like Corrie babe Michelle Keegan are now seen as the ideal figure.
The top celebrity women wanted to look like in 2006 was Pamela Anderson, while this year it’s svelt model Kendall Jenner, found a survey for cosmetic surgery firm Transform.
Marketing boss Steven Taylor said: “It is fascinating how women’s views of the perfect body shape have developed in a decade and how the celebrities they have referenced most during consultations with our surgeons have changed.”
The survey found Manchester and London are the most popular cities for women to go under the knife.
Plastic surgeryPATIENT: Kendall Jenner has been voted the most popular celebrity women want to look like
And northern lasses prefer bigger breast ops – with an average one cup size more than those in the south.
But overall the biggest sizes were in Hull, while the smallest sizes were found in Edinburgh.

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