Wednesday 4 May 2016

Brit terror fears as Spanish cops hit ISIS recruitment cell hours before Man City clash

COPS have arrested four suspected ISIS terror nuts in dramatic dawn raids just hours before the kick-off between Man City and Real Madrid.

Armed police swooped on two towns near the Spanish capital of Madrid close to the Bernabeu stadium where 4,000 Brit footie fans will flock tonight for one of the biggest European ties this season.
The four were suspected of spreading pro-jihadist propaganda online and of trying to mastermind an "intense" recruitment drive.
But worryingly, the arrests come after threats by ISIS to carry out a terror spectacular on Spanish resorts popular with millions of Brits this summer.
Spain police hit suspect ISIS terrorists near Madrid's Plaza Mayor and where Man City will playRAID: Cops raided three locations close to where Man City and Real Madrid will kick off
Daily Star Online exclusively revealed – just two weeks ago – a map plotting the tourist hotspots ISIS militants want to take back in a bid to reconquer their own "Spanish caliphate".
Photos also emerged of the gun-obsessed ISIS suspect arrested in Majorca.
We have also revealed reports that ISIS were plotting to target holidaying Brits by launching attacks from ice cream stalls.
Daily Star Online first revealed the full extent of ISIS dangers facing Brits in the Spanish Costas in July last year.
The Spanish Civil Guard claims these four suspects, three Moroccans and one Spaniard, made contact with hundreds of people in a bid to radicalise and indoctrinate people into ISIS members.
Spanish police look at laptop in ISIS arrestsSERIOUS: Spanish police described the ISIS recruitment as 'intense'
A Spain interior ministry spokesman said: "This is not only to feed fighters for the Islamic State in conflict zones such as Iraq and Syria.
"But to facilitate the commission of attacks in the West."
The four were detained yesterday during two raids in Pinto and Ciempozuelos – towns around 20 miles from the Madrid centre.
Pinto boasts a picturesque Roman square popular with tourists day-tripping out of Madrid.
Map showing ISIS Spain targetsWORRYING: Islamic State have made it clear they want to take Spain

They reportedly used classic ISIS methods – operating through different webpages and instant messaging apps.
Head of the Civil Guard Jorge Fernandez described the recruitment mission as "intense".
The terror alert was elevated to level 4 – the second most severe – in Spain on June 26, 2015.
More than 12 million Brits visit Spain annually and more than 20 extremists have been arrested in the country this year.

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