Thursday, 19 May 2016

Paedo rapist gave toddler HIV, herpes and chlamydia

A SICK sex offender has been jailed for life after infecting a toddler and a teenage girl with HIV, herpes and chlamydia.

WilsonGUILTY: Wilson will spend his life behind bars after infecting his victims with HIV
David Wilson was convicted for super aggravated sexual assault of a child after he passed the diseases to a 14-year-old girl and a 23-month-old toddler.
The toddler need reconstructive surgery after the sick assaults.
The 34-year-old had already served four years behind bars for sexually assaulting a child in 2005.
WilsonREOFFENDER: Wilson had already been convicted of sexually assaulting a child in 2005
But after his release the sex offender went back to his twisted ways – raping a teenage victim over the course of two years.
She was later found to have been given the three sexually transmitted diseases after being cared for by medical services.
The further assault on the 23-month-old was discovered after doctors found evidence the toddler had also contracted the sexually transmitted diseases.
WilsonSICKO: He tried to defend himself, saying he was 'not sorry' about raping the 14 year old
One doctor told investigators the child "had to have been sexually assaulted as evidenced by the presence of three sexually transmitted diseases”.
In a bizarre bid to defend himself, he told a court in Houston, Texas: “I am not sorry we were together, no, I am sorry the HIV came into the situation.”
He added: “I never denied about us having a relationship.”

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