Thursday 7 April 2016

My Hands are Clean! - Senator David Mark Speaks on Alleged Links to 8 Secret Offshore Shell Companies

Former President of the Senate, David Mark said Thursday that his hands are clean over claims linking him to having at least eight offshore shell companies while in office and violation of a federal code of conduct law.
Senator David Mark
In a statement by Paul Mumeh, the media Assistant to former senate president, Senator David Mark on Thursday, stated that his hands are clean over claims linking him to having at least eight offshore shell companies while in office and violation of a federal code of conduct law. 
While reacting to the development, Senator Mark who noted that he was not directly or indirectly connected to any of the companies registered, operated or managed by the Mossack Fonseca Law Firm, said that those behind the story will hear from his lawyers. 
The statement read, "Our attention has been drawn to spurious Media reports on the Panama papers in which Former President of the Senate, Senator David Mark was alleged to have operated offshore companies. 

"For the avoidance of doubt, in the released materials of the Panama Leaks, his name is not listed anywhere in the database of Mossack Fonseca Law Firm. We reiterate categorically, that he is not directly or indirectly connected to any of the companies registered, operated or managed by the Mossack Fonseca Law Firm. 

"We challenge all those behind this propaganda and Media outburst to prove or show that Senator Mark’s name was mentioned in the leaks. He is prepared to stand and defend himself against any accusation in relation to this matter. 

"Senator Mark’s Media team has carried out its own search of the Mossack Fonseca database and found no statement, item or any connection to Senator David Mark or his Family. It follows that there is no record whatsoever of any impropriety or wrongdoing. 

"We recall that in his quest for Senate Presidency in 2007, there was an attempt to bring a similar issue to the fore in order to stop him. So what are their fears now in 2016 for regurgitating the same issue? 

"Once more, Senator Mark has distanced himself and any member of his family from the said Mossack Fonseca Firm and has no affiliation whatsoever with any company operated, registered or managed by Mossack Fonseca. 

"Senator Mark has not contravened any laws of the land and he is treating this for what it is, an attempt to blackmail and tarnish his hard earned image by some political elements. 

"As a public officer, Senator Mark has maintained a high level of decorum, respects and observes the laws of the land and believes in the sanctity of the rule of law. He will not be distracted by what is clearly a deliberate mischief and propaganda. 

"Records of all his assets are available with the relevant government agencies and can be verified. He has consulted his legal team and will take this up accordingly."

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