Tuesday, 1 March 2016

5 Questions You Should Definitely Ask Your Dermatologist

Make the most out of your appointment.

woman talking to dermatologist

When was the last time you saw your derm? While most experts recommend scheduling a visit once a year (or more if you see something suspicious on your skin), it’s important to be prepared with some key questions to make the most of your visit—especially if you have a skin condition that requires maintenance. Here are five questions you don’t want to skip.

1. What Is This Rash/Bump/Nodule That Won’t Go Away?
While your derm might grow weary if you make an appointment for every bump, rash, and red mark that pops up, if you have something that hasn’t gone away on its own over a month, it’s important to ask for an expert opinion. “Bug bites and pimples generally resolve within a month, whereas more serious conditions will not,” says Janet H. Prystowsky, M.D., Ph.D, a board-certified dermatologist and member of the American Academy of Dermatology. “A skin condition that persists or is worsening and cannot be easily explained could indicate a skin disease and require treatment.” Skin diseases, such as eczema, psoriasis, and hidradentis suppurtiva, are not curable—though there are medical treatments and lifestyle changes that can help control them.
2. Is My Beauty Routine Working for My Skin?
Whether you’ve fallen into a skin-care rut or are trying every new serumthat pops up at Sephora, your dermatologist’s job is to look carefully at your skin and analyze it beyond what shows up in that selfie. From aging to rosacea, dry skin to acne, a dermatologist can help you tweak your skin-care routine to fit your exact needs. Sometimes that may include adding products to deal with shine, dryness, or wrinkles, but it also may mean eliminating products that aren’t a fit for your face. “There is not a one-size-fits-all solution,” says Prystowsky. “Extra products you use besides your moisturizer and cleanser could be causing the issues you do not like. A simple skin-care routine can work wonders where a complicated one fails.” She recommends bringing in your skin-care products so your dermatologist can see the actual ingredients of what you’re putting on your face.

3. Do Any of My Moles Look Suspicious?
Moles can run the gamut from a Cindy Crawford beauty mark to a dangerous melanoma, so it’s important to have a dermatologist thoroughly check to see if any of your moles might be troubling. “Everyone should know the ABCDEs of melanoma,” says Prystowsky. Worrisome signs can be moles that are Asymmetrical, have an unevenBorder, have a variety of Colors, have a larger Diameter, and moles that have Evolved or changed over time. “As a general rule, if your mole is small, uniform, and unchanging, then it is probably fine,” says Prystowsky. But if you’ve noticed moles with any of the ABCDEs, it important to ask your dermatologist to check them out.

4. Where Do You See Signs of Sun Damage?
While you may already be well aware of some of the damage your sunbathing days of yore have caused (hey there, sun spots!), a dermatologist can help point out places you may not be able to easily see or think to check. “Your scalp, ears, feet, and the back of your neck are all areas that are frequently unprotected from the sun and can be missed when checking for sun damage,” says Prystowsky. Plus, she says, skin cancer can even appear in areas that don’t frequently see sunlight, like your buttock and groin, which a dermatologist will also check.

5. What Latest Treatments Might Be a Good Fit for My Skin?
Derms hear it all the time—a patient comes in wanting New Treatment X that her BFF/mom/co-worker had done. But there's no one size fits all for skin treatments. “Everybody’s skin is different," says Prystowsky. "While one treatment may work great for your mother, sister, brother, or friend, another treatment may work better for you.” So instead of rattling off a list of new things you’ve heard about, explain your skin-care concerns, and then ask your derm what treatments might be a good fit for you. While you might be worried your derm will “suggest” a list of treatments you didn’t think you needed in the first place, a good dermatologist will be both cautious and kind with their recommendations.

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