Tuesday, 29 March 2016

'She's trash, nothing but a money whore' Male model Fabio rips into Kim K in vicious rant

KIM Kardashian has millions of followers on social media, but she has just as many haters.

Fabio glamour shotREMEMBER HIM? Fabio has paused his modelling career to rip into Kim
And one of them happens to be male model Fabio.
You may know Fabio Lanzoni for his appearances on countless cheesy romance novel covers, his cameo in Zoolander or his luscious locks.
But now, the iconic model wants to add another thing to his CV – professional celeb spat-sparker.
The Italian stallion ripped into Kim and her family, calling the selfie queen "trash".
Kim Kardashian naked selfie
SLATED: Fabio called Kim 'trash' in his tirade

In an interview with the New York Daily News, Fabio said: "Kim Kardashian is trash. The wealth and power that she may have doesn’t matter. I always tell people, ‘I have more respect for somebody with no money and class than somebody who is trash and makes $1 billion.’ Now you’re trash with $1 billion."
He also tore into  – saying: "There are a lot of people out there, especially the younger generation, who think that the only thing they have to do to become famous is make a porn video or be caught doing something nasty. There is nothing extraordinary or unusual about that.
"The porn industry makes money from doing that every day and there’s nothing special about sex. Sex has been around since the birth of this planet."
Fabio walking in New YorkICONIC: The Italian is famous for his romance novel modelling
Kim Kardashian selfieSHAKE IT OFF: We doubt Kim will care too much about this review
The rest of the Kardashian klan didn't escape from Fabio's apparent acid tongue either, with the model lashing out over the publicity surrounding .
The 57-year-old continued: "It really shows you that the Kardashians will do anything for TV and to make money. All the Kardashians care about is the media, money, and being on camera. It shows they have no sensitivity and they don’t know when to stop. They are nothing but money whores."
Ouch - tell us how you really feel.

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