A MIRACLE new treatment can give you a longer penis, firmer erections and make you last longer in bed.
Most lads worry about the look and feel of their penis, which can make them less confident in the sack.
But a new speedy procedure could be the answer to their dreams. It might sound too good to be true, but the P-shot is the latest revolution in sexual rejuvenation.
Originally created in the US by Dr Charles Runels, the simple non-surgical injection was recently brought across the pond by Dr Sherif Wakil – who’s the only practitioner of the P-shot in Europe.
The jab, which only takes five minutes, will set you back £1,000 but claims to make a guy more virile than ever by harnessing properties in his own blood.
Speaking exclusively to Daily Star Online, Dr Sherif revealed how the P-shot can improve a man’s sex life.
He said: “The P-shot increases the blood flow and circulation of the penis and therefore the patient will have a greater sensation in the penis.
“Improving the blood supply and triggering tissue regeneration will increase the firmness of erections and the patient will be able to maintain the erection for longer, improving sexual pleasure.”
Not only can the nifty jab boost erections, it can also help to increase the length and girth of the penis when it’s combined with a penis pump – which is given to you as part of the treatment.
Dr Sherif said: “This works by stretching the penis – which is an ancient African technique known as ‘milking’ the penis. The penis does not respond to exercise but will respond to stretching.
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