Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Boost your penis length by two inches – in just five minutes

A MIRACLE new treatment can give you a longer penis, firmer erections and make you last longer in bed.

Most lads , which can make them less confident in the sack.
But a new speedy procedure could be the answer to their dreams. It might sound too good to be true, but the P-shot is the latest revolution in sexual rejuvenation.
Originally created in the US by Dr Charles Runels, the simple non-surgical injection was recently brought across the pond by Dr Sherif Wakil – who’s the only practitioner of the P-shot in Europe.
Dr Sherif Wakil MEDIC: Dr Sherif Wakil brought the game-changing treatment to the UK
The jab, which only takes five minutes, will set you back £1,000 but claims to make a guy more virile than ever by harnessing properties in his own blood.
Speaking exclusively to Daily Star Online, Dr Sherif revealed how the P-shot can improve a man’s sex life.
He said: “The P-shot increases the blood flow and circulation of the penis and therefore the patient will have a greater sensation in the penis.
“Improving the blood supply and triggering tissue regeneration will increase the firmness of erections and the patient will be able to maintain the erection for longer, improving sexual pleasure.”
Blood being drawnJAB: Blood is injected into the penis
Not only can the nifty jab boost erections, it can also help to increase the length and girth of the penis when it’s combined with a penis pump – which is given to you as part of the treatment.
Dr Sherif said: “This works by stretching the penis – which is an ancient African technique known as ‘milking’ the penis. The penis does not respond to exercise but will respond to stretching.
“The results will vary depending on how long the patient uses the pump, we have seen some men increase in length by two inches and girth by 1.7 inches.
“Usually the patient will see an increase in flaccid state after four to six weeks and an increase in the erect state after four to six months.”

The Harley Street-based medic explained the science behind the pioneering penis-boosting injection, which involves Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) being injected into the penis in order to rejuvenate it, improve sensation and function.
He said: “Platelet Rich Plasma uses the healing potential of platelets contained within your own blood to stimulate cell repair and regeneration.
“Blood is taken from the patient’s arm and placed in a very special centrifuge that produced very high quality PRP.
“The PRP generated in the centrifuge contains cell regenerating growth factors which, when injected into the penis, trigger stem cells to increase blood flow and generate healthy tissue growth and regeneration.”
Dr Sherif stressed that there haven’t been any reports of side effects from the 30,000 patients who have already had the shot across the world.
He added: “But any injection going into the body has a risk of infection – although it’s very rare.
“The treatment is regenerating new tissue and the results can last between 12 and 18 months.
"This is dependent on the patient’s lifestyle for example if they smoke or drink excessively also their hormonal levels.”

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